Nth Degree Burger from Azlin Bloor ??? maybe
"Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean; wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow."
What is hyssop?
Hyssop is a common herb which grew in Bible times and still grows extensively today in many varieties all over the world.
It's possible you have seen it in a garden near you.
Common varieties grow to about two feet tall and spread about a foot.
It has beautiful purple blue flowers and a strong mint smell. If you have ever seen or grown catmint, hyssop looks somewhat similar.
In "the old days" - before grocery store shelves were lined with cleaning products for every conceivable need, people used nature's products.
Hyssop was readily available, especially in the Middle East. Because it had detergent properties, it was widely used to clean sacred places such as temples.
Here are some times it was used in the Bible:
A bunch of hyssop was used to dip in the basin of blood of the Passover lamb to apply to the lintel and doorpost before the Israelites left Egypt. (Exodus 12:22) Since hyssop has strong woody stalks it could stand up to being shaken.
Cleansing ceremony for a leper in Leviticus 14:1-8. Again, hyssop was the dipping agent into blood of a bird and used to sprinkle over the unclean person.
In John 19:29, it was used at the crucifixion. "Now a vessel full of sour wine was sitting there; and they filled a sponge with sour wine, put it on hyssop, and put it to His mouth."
Going to test run for Off the Hoof @ https://plus.google.com/+JonChef/posts/PcpHsm8HuWQ
Originally shared by Azlin Bloor
The Ultimate Burger, with a Middle Eastern Flavour
What is your idea of the ultimate burger? Should the swagger be in the burger patty or do you think it’s the extras that should do the talking?
Me? I’m definitely in the second camp! Now don’t get me wrong, I would still like some flavour in the meat as a starting point, but that’s all it would be, a starting point, the groundwork, so to speak. Then, we build on this foundation with multiple layers of aroma, taste and texture. Just take a look at the image above and you’ll see what I’m talking about. What goes on and around the meat is what turns the plain old burger into The Ultimate Burger!
My secret ingredient here, well, ingredients in the plural, are those green and white sauces you see in the picture, 2 staples in our home: Zhoug, the Yemeni Green Chilli Sauce and Za’atar Yoghurt. Both recipe links are given on the blog, but for now, let's get cooking!
Prep Time: 7 minutes
Cook Time: 6 minutes
Total Time: 13 minutes
Serving Size: 4
500g/just over 1 lb minced beef (20% fat)
1 medium onion
1 small handful flat leaf parsley (curly is fine too)
1 large clove garlic
1 tsp ground cumin
half tsp sumac (or a 1 tsp lemon juice)
half tsp salt
freshly ground black pepper
Everything else
4 burger buns of your choice
enough lettuce leaves for 4 buns
2 medium tomatoes
1 medium red onion
2-4 tbsp Zhug, to taste (it's hot!)
4 tbsp za'atar yoghurt
4 cheese slices, Cheddar is great
enough olive oil to cook
1. Quarter the onion and place it in a chopper.
2. Add the garlic and parsley and chop it to a fine blend, with no water added.
3. Now place all the burger ingredients into a bowl and mix thoroughly with your hands.
4. Form into 4 burger patties and place in the fridge while you get the vegetables ready.
5. Slice the tomatoes into rounds.
6. Slice the onions into rings.
7. Cook the burgers the way you want to, on the barbecue, under the grill (broiler) or on the stove top.
On the barbecue or under the grill
Lightly oil the top and bottom of the burger and cook for about 2-3 minutes on each side for medium, 3-4 for well done.
On the stove top
1. Heat 2 tbsp of olive oil in a large frying pan on medium high heat.
2. Cook the burgers for about 2-3 minutes on each side for medium, 3-4 for well done.
The burger can be packed in any order you like.
My way: lettuce, onion rings, tomatoes, burger, zhug, za'atar yoghurt, cheese.
More hints and tips: http://linsfood.com/ultimate-burger-zhug-zaatar/
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