Umami all the way.
Umami /uːˈmɑːmi/,
a savoury taste is one of the five basic tastes (together with sweet, sour, bitter and salty).
A loanword from the Japanese (うま味?), umami can be translated as "pleasant savory taste".
This particular writing was chosen by Professor Kikunae Ikeda from umai (うまい) "delicious" and mi (味) "taste". The kanji 旨味 are used for a more general sense of a food as delicious.
People taste umami through receptors for glutamate, commonly found in its salt form as the food additive monosodium glutamate (MSG).
For that reason, scientists consider umami to be distinct from saltiness.
Why You Should Hard-Cook Lots of Eggs and Soak Them in Soy Sauce
After peeling the eggs, you move them to marinate in the fridge in a small vat of soy sauce, sherry vinegar, and sugar for a few hours. (I’ve left them overnight too, which I actually found to be extra salty and delicious.)
The soak isn't just about salting them, but a more rounded seasoning—a little sweet, a little tangy, but mostly a lot of umami. You can vary the marinade as you like—add sake, scallions, ginger, mirin, garlic, chiles, or rice wine vinegar.
Momofuku's Soy Sauce Eggs
6 tablespoons warm water
1 tablespoon sugar
2 tablespoons sherry vinegar
¾ cup soy sauce
6 large eggs
Maldon or other flaky salt, for serving
Black pepper, for serving
#Umami #eggs
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