
Saturday, 31 March 2018

Blockchain Hotels @ This is going to change your view on Hotels !!

Blockchain Hotels @ This is going to change your view on Hotels !!

Originally shared by Blockchain Hotels

Blockchain Hotels We are building a global network of hotels across the world’s most beautiful and exciting destinations.

Decentralized from electricity and water sources, completely different from traditional hospitality options (and a lot more fun), each hotel is an oasis of positive energy, entertainment, productivity, freedom, and the spirit of innovation.

The Blockchain Hotels project @ is an exciting and new kind of hospitality and real estate investment opportunity.

It is the rare project where investors will be guests, and guests will be investors
#BlockchainHotels #Blockchain

Wednesday, 28 March 2018



Originally shared by Jon “the chef” Hole

Ostara Spell The Spring Equinox, called Ostara by many, is a day of perfect balance between night and day, darkness and light, slumber and awakening.

Many craft traditions, covens, and solitaries have devised their own rituals for awakening Mother Earth at this time.

Many of these can be traced back to England.
One common practice is to walk through a natural area, tap the earth three times with a staff or wand, and make a joyful noise to welcome the Goddess's return.

This ritual is performed three times in keeping with the sacred number of many of the Pagan sects from western European countries.

Now is not only a good time to awaken Mother Earth, but also to awaken ourselves.

We should ask: Are we only going through the motions now ?
Or are we reawakening our spiritual selves, and seeing anew all the magical possibilities of spring ?
To awaken your own body, mind, and soul to spring's rebirth, give back to Mother Earth some of the things we've taken from her.

Plant a tree, herb garden, or flowers.

Feed her animals and birds.

Tuesday, 27 March 2018

Hotels of the Future It is time for new hotels that are created for a new generation of travellers.

Hotels of the Future It is time for new hotels that are created for a new generation of travellers.

As the times change, so must the
concepts that are old and outdated.

As the time of fiat currencies is drawing to a close and reforms are
needed, the same is true in the hotel world.

It is time for the reinvention of hospitality projects, their
technologies, how they are powered, what experience they provide, and what spirit they have at the core.

This is what Blockchain Hotels will bring to the table.

Saturday, 17 March 2018

Blockchain Hotel extra hotel tokens only for a day.

Blockchain Hotel extra hotel tokens only for a day.
Our Vision
We are building a global network of hotels across the world’s most beautiful and exciting destinations. Decentralized from electricity and water sources, completely different from traditional hospitality options (and a lot more fun), each hotel is an oasis of positive energy, entertainment, productivity, freedom, and the spirit of innovation.

The Blockchain Hotels project is an exciting and new kind of hospitality and real estate investment opportunity. it is the rare project where investors will be guests, and guests will be investors.
Blockchain Hotels @

Thursday, 15 March 2018

Block Chain Hotels Imagine a chain of hotels located in the world’s

Block Chain Hotels Imagine a chain of hotels located in the world’s
most beautiful paradise locations and exciting
urban hubs, serving the community of blockchain
pioneers and digital nomads as they live, work,
travel and collaborate.

Decentralized from
electricity and water sources, different and more
fun than traditional hospitality options, each hotel
is an oasis of positive energy, entertainment, and
the spirit of innovation.

Not only do Blockchain Hotels offer guests a great,
affordable hotel option, but they offer our early
supporters a chance to take part in the success of
the hotel chain through profit-sharing as well as
providing an opportunity to stay or live in the hotels

Wednesday, 7 March 2018

Umami all the way.

Umami all the way.
Umami /uːˈmɑːmi/,
a savoury taste is one of the five basic tastes (together with sweet, sour, bitter and salty).
A loanword from the Japanese (うま味?), umami can be translated as "pleasant savory taste".

This particular writing was chosen by Professor Kikunae Ikeda from umai (うまい) "delicious" and mi (味) "taste". The kanji 旨味 are used for a more general sense of a food as delicious.

People taste umami through receptors for glutamate, commonly found in its salt form as the food additive monosodium glutamate (MSG).
For that reason, scientists consider umami to be distinct from saltiness.

Why You Should Hard-Cook Lots of Eggs and Soak Them in Soy Sauce
After peeling the eggs, you move them to marinate in the fridge in a small vat of soy sauce, sherry vinegar, and sugar for a few hours. (I’ve left them overnight too, which I actually found to be extra salty and delicious.)

The soak isn't just about salting them, but a more rounded seasoning—a little sweet, a little tangy, but mostly a lot of umami. You can vary the marinade as you like—add sake, scallions, ginger, mirin, garlic, chiles, or rice wine vinegar.

Momofuku's Soy Sauce Eggs

6 tablespoons warm water
1 tablespoon sugar
2 tablespoons sherry vinegar
¾ cup soy sauce
6 large eggs
Maldon or other flaky salt, for serving
Black pepper, for serving

#Umami #eggs